Scroll below for some excellent tools!

Urban Poling

“Urban Poles” were created by Mandy Shintani, a Canadian Occupational Therapist, to improve upon Europe’s popular Nordic Walking poles. She designed a thumb friendly platform and refined the standard rubber tips to allow persons of varying abilities to participate in the popular sport of Nordic Walking. Bell shaped tips provide balance and stability for neurologically challenged and post surgical patients while a boot shaped tip promotes a rapid, more intense workout. Urban Poles are an incredible fitness tool. Proven to protect joints, activate the core, decrease fall risk, and burn more calories than walking without poles.

Urban Poling Demo

Still Point Inducer

The Still Point Inducer is a wonderful Upledger Institute tool
to manage stress, fatigue and head, neck, and face pain.
The body experiences a deep relaxation and neurological reset when this tool is used properly.

Still Point Inducer Instructions and Demo

Make your own Still Point Inducer

Squatty Potty

The Squatty Potty is a brilliant invention that promotes ease of elimination by improving the biomechanics of the colon. If you haven’t heard of this device, your bowels will thank you for trying one, just don’t judge me by their advertising!

Squatty Potty Demo

Hruska Clinic Shoe List

My multi-talented colleague, Lori, a physical therapist at the Hruska CIinic and faculty member of the Postural Restoration Institute, faithfully shares her rigorous shoe testing biannually. Lori is a marathoner who understands the components of a great shoe! Watch her video to understand what we look for in a shoe and why we find these attributes important, or just click on the following link for the current shoe list: (April 2023 Shoe List)